Business Development For Technology Companies with Complex, High Ticket Sales

This blog discusses business development for complex, high-ticket sales for technology companies to help them to eliminate traditional ugly, filthy, stinky, dirty and sweaty manual labour prospecting slavery and build automated business development systems. So, if you’re ready to end cold-calling, pavement pounding and door knocking grunt work, then read on and return?

28 April, 2005

The Brain Centre of Your Business Development

Imagine a wheel. A normal, pedestrian, garden-variety car wheel. What do you need to have on that wheel to make it able to turn and carry the car built on it down the motorway? You need a rim, spokes and a tyre. However, if you have only these three parts without a hub, that wheel won't work. In a way the hub is the brain centre of the wheel. Everything else rotates around the hub.

So, how can we transpose this image to your business development and your website? Provided your website is built correctly (only some 2% of all websites). So, let’s look at the website. The website is the hub itself. It must be a theme-based website with lots of valuable content whose job is to pre-sell the products and services your business offeres. The rim, spokes and tyre of the wheel are the marketing elements. And this is where most website owners make a terrible mistake.

They get their websites built, but they only hope and pray for traffic. But the traffic doesn’t come. So, sooner or later the business either dies or the owner tears the website down, which is nothing more than a fancy ornament, a loss centre. These marketing elements are methods of bringing traffic to the website. They are newsletters, search engine optimisation, off-line direct mail inviting people to visit your site, your opt-in email courses, Google AdWords and other fiendish methods.

But a website alone is not enough? Well, you can have the best hub in the world, but unless you have a rim, tyre and spokes, your wheel won't be able to turn. So, unless some good marketing methods are in place, your website alone is just as useful as a catflap in the elephant house. And sadly this is happening to some 98% of all websites out there.


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