Business Development For Technology Companies with Complex, High Ticket Sales

This blog discusses business development for complex, high-ticket sales for technology companies to help them to eliminate traditional ugly, filthy, stinky, dirty and sweaty manual labour prospecting slavery and build automated business development systems. So, if you’re ready to end cold-calling, pavement pounding and door knocking grunt work, then read on and return?

12 June, 2007

The Power of Research-Based Copywriting

The Heath brothers, the authors of Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die, have posted a brilliant message on their blog on the importance giving the market valuable details about what we're selling. In their message they use an example from the legendary copywriter, Claude Hopkins, the author of Scientific Advertising.

I suggest you read it because you'll find a huge lesson there, and you can instantly translate it to your business.


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