Business Development For Technology Companies with Complex, High Ticket Sales

This blog discusses business development for complex, high-ticket sales for technology companies to help them to eliminate traditional ugly, filthy, stinky, dirty and sweaty manual labour prospecting slavery and build automated business development systems. So, if you’re ready to end cold-calling, pavement pounding and door knocking grunt work, then read on and return?

21 December, 2006

Holiday Wishes for Business Development Departments

B2B sales and marketing expert, Mac McIntosh has just published a great article, entitled Wish lists for B2B marketing and sales. There are lots of great points in the article, and it confirms one of the biggest mistakes companies make when they want to increase sales. Namely, hire more salespeople and send them out cold prospecting.

In the meantime hire a minimum-wage kid to do some graphics design and other "image stuff", and let's call it marketing. So, now the company has a sales and marketing department, although the salespeople and the marketing kid hardly ever talk to each other. Maybe once a year over Christmas dinner.

Read the
article. I think you too will like it.


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