Business Development For Technology Companies with Complex, High Ticket Sales

This blog discusses business development for complex, high-ticket sales for technology companies to help them to eliminate traditional ugly, filthy, stinky, dirty and sweaty manual labour prospecting slavery and build automated business development systems. So, if you’re ready to end cold-calling, pavement pounding and door knocking grunt work, then read on and return?

23 December, 2006

Some Business Development Questions for 2007

Doug Davidoff of The Imagine Companies has some interesting and thought- provoking questions for us about growing our businesses in 2007. Read Doug's questions and and think about what you could achieve in 2007.

The problem is that most business owners ask questions about the investment part of the ROI equation, while grossly neglecting the return part.

So, the typical - and the wrong question becomes: "What can we achieve with what we have and know right now?" In this question the strategy (what to achieve in the future?) is kidnapped by current tactics (with what we have now).

The correct question is: How can we achieve specific outcomes? The tactics are flexible.

Remember, strategies are carved in stone, but tactics must drawn in the sand and they must be flexible enough to serve the strategy in the most cost-effective manner.


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